Besides owning bitcoin, let your representatives know that bitcoin is important to you. Use our templates to let your Representative and Senators know that you support bitcoin, and they should too.
Let your Representative and Senators know you support bitcoin, and why they should too!
How To Use Our Templates:
1. Highlight and copy the text of your preferred letter from the links below.
If patriotic and fiscal issues are important to you, click here...
If social issues are important to you, click here...
2. Click the button below to go to and complete the process. After you enter your address and select your representatives, paste the text of your letter into the "Message" field. Then complete the rest of the form, and click "Send". It's that simple!
Thank you! Your voice is important.
Bitcoin and the American Dream was written by a group of passionate bitcoiners, including several members of our Board of Directors. If you’d like to learn more about how bitcoin is proving to be a valuable tool for financial freedom, you can get your own copy of Bitcoin and the American Dream here.
Please consider a donation to the Bitcoin Today Coalition. We're a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that brings together thought leaders with finance, investing, corporate America, mining, energy, regulatory, and policy expertise, ensuring a strategic and layered approach to our advocacy.
Bitcoin Meetups
A bitcoin meetup is simple... Choose a location, publicize it on channels where bitcoiners are known to congregate, and get together to build community!
Meetups are a fantastic way to engage with political staffers too. Just invite them to attend and learn more.
Hosting a bitcoin meetup: tips and tricks
Locations: City centers, bars, and restaurants.
Remember to choose a location capable of accommodating the size of the crowd you expect. Maybe that's 5. Or it could be 100! And, the environment should be great for conversation.
If you're using a park, find out if you need to make a reservation. Check your city’s Parks & Rec website to see what they require.
Hosting a BBQ? If you're not supplying snacks, consider providing the charcoal and advertise the event as a BYO-Picnic where everyone can bring food to grill.
If you're meeting in a bar or restaurant, call ahead to make arrangements. Bars that sell snacks are a great solution. Your guests can pay as they go. And you can negotiate with the venue for a discount.
About us
For plebs by plebs. BTC is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit.
Find out more about us here.
© Bitcoin Today Coalition 2021.
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